Hoje vi este site: http://www.analyticbridge.com/forum/topics/list-of-free-statistical e achei que seria muito interessante difundir todo o trabalho desenvolvido para a elaboração de softwares estatísticos gratuitos.
Segue a lista de softwares em ordem alfabética.
ADaMsoft - Data mining, data management and reporting. Has web based features.
Ade4 - It contains Data Analysis functions to analyse Ecological and Environmental data in the framework of Euclidean Exploratory methods, hence the name ade4.
ADePT - Developed to automate and standardize the production of analytical reports.
ADMB - Non-linear statistical modelling.
AM General stats package.
AnSWR - A software system for coordinating and conducting large-scale, team-based analysis projects that integrate qualitative and quantitative techniques.
Apophenia - General stats package but with more flexibility to be creative in model building.
Arc - Applied regression including computing and graphics.
Assistat - General stats package.
Bayesian Filtering Library - Bayesian software for use in advanced machine and robot control.
BiNGO - Bioinformatics software. Biological Network Gene Ontology.
BioEstat - Ecological statistics program (only available in Portuguese).
Biogeme - Stands for: Bierlaire's Optimization Toolbox for GEV (Generalized Extreme Value) Model Estimation.
Biomapper - A GIS-toolkit to model ecological niche and habitat suitability.
BKD - Bayesian Knowledge Discoverer
BlockTreat - A general frequentist Monte Carlo program for block and treatment tests, tests with matching, k-sample tests, and tests for independence.
BrightStat - General stats package.
BV4.1 - A procedure for the decomposition and seasonal adjustment of monthly and quarterly economic series. Used by the German Federal Statistical Office.
Calcugator - Calculator, plotting engine, and programming environment.
Caleydo - Bioinformatics data visualisation software.
CCOUNT - Designed for market research purposes, including: data cleaning, manipulation, cross tabulation and data analysis. Similar to SPSS.
CDC EZ-Text - Developed to assist researchers create, manage, and analyze semi-structured qualitative databases.
Chronux - Developed for the analysis of neural data.
Conc - Text concordance program.
Concorder - Text concordance program. Allows you to take given texts and find out the frequency of words.
Correlate -
CSPro - Census and Survey Processing System (CSPro) is a questionnaire-oriented statistical package for Windows.
Cytoscape - Bioinformatics software platform for visualizing molecular interaction networks and integrating these interactions with gene expression profiles and other state data.
DAP - Alternative to SAS.
Dataplot - General stats package. Designed for science and engineering.
DAVID - Bioinformatics software. Database for Annotation, Visualization and Integrated Discovery.
dChip - Bioinformatics software. dChip Software: Analysis and visualization of gene expression and SNP microarrays
Demetra - Time series package.
Dia - Diagram drawing program. Allows the drawing of entity relationship diagrams, UML diagrams, flowcharts, network diagrams, and many others.
Draco - Econometrics package with spreadsheets.
EASE - Bioinformatics software. Expression Analysis Systematic Explorer.
EasyReg Int. - Econometrics package.
EasySample - Simple sampling program.
EDGAR - Experimental design programs.
ELKI - Environment for developing KDD-applications supported by index-structures. Compares data mining algorithms.
EMMIX - Fortran software to fit mixture models.
Epi Info - Designed for epidemiologists and other public health and medical professionals.
Epidata - Epidemiology package.
EqPlot - Equation graph plotter.
ErmineJ - Bioinformatics software. Performs analyses of gene sets in expression microarray data or other genome-wide data that results in rankings of genes.
ESA - Event Structure Analysis (ESA) is an on-line Java program that helps you analyze sequential events.
ESS - Emacs Speaks Statistics. Add-on package for emacs text editors.
Esta+ - General (and simple) stats package.
Euler - Similar to Matlab.
EVE - Embedded Vector Editor. Vector graphics program.
Excellent Analytics - Excel plug-in that lets you import web analytics data from Google Analytics into a spreadsheet.
EzANOVA - Simple ANOVA program.
Factor - Simple factor analysis program.
Firebird - Relational database management system (RDBMS).
Fityk - Nonlinear least squares curve fitting.
Freemat - Similar to Matlab and IDL.
G Power - Power and sample size calculator.
G7 - Econometrics package. Allows the building and useage of data banks.
GATE - Text mining program. General Architecture for Text Engineering.
Gemma - Bioinformatics software. Database and software system for the meta-analysis of gene expression data.
GEMS - Bioinformatics software (online forms). Gene Expression Module Sampler.
GenePattern -Bioinformatics software. Genomic analysis platform that provides access to more than 125 tools for gene expression analysis, proteomics, SNP analysis and more.
GenMAPP - Bioinformatics software. Designed to visualize gene expression and other genomic data on maps representing biological pathways and groupings of genes.
GeoDa - Geospatial analysis and computation.
GGobi - Data visualisation.
Gist - Bioinformatics software. Contains software tools for support vector machine classification and for kernel principal components analysis.
Gnumeric - Spreadsheet program.
Gnuplot - Command driven graphing program.
GoMiner - Bioinformatics software. A tool for biological interpretation of 'omic' data, including data from gene expression microarrays.
Gostat - Bioinformatics software (online forms). Find statistically overrepresented Gene-Ontology (GO) terms within a group of genes.
Gretl - Stands for Gnu regression, econometrics and time-series library. Alternative to EViews. REVIEWED!!!
Grocer - An econometric toolbox for Scilab.
GUIDE - Multi-purpose machine learning algorithm for constructing classification and regression trees.
HLM - Hierarchical linear and nonlinear modelling.
IHMC CmapTools - Concept mapping program.
Instats - General stats package.
Interactive Statistical Unit -
Inverse Symbolic Calculator - An online form where the output is a list of possible sources for the number you enter (such as simple equations or well known constants).
IRRIStat - General stats package. Designed for analysis of agricultural field trials data.
IVEware - Imputation and Variance Estimation.
JAGS - Stands for just another Gibbs sampler. Bayesian hierarchical models using Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC).
jHepWork - Mathematics and statistics package.
JMulTi - Time series and econometrics package.
Kyplot - Graphs program.
Lisp-stat - General stats package with emphasis on graphics.
LISREL - Originally limited to structural equation modelling (SEM) but now has other functions.
MacAnova - General stats package.
MacSHAPA - Macintosh-based software environment that supports observational data analysis, including the analysis of video.
Matrixer - Econometrics package.
Matrix2png - Bioinformatics software. A simple program for making visualizations of microarray data and many other data types.
Matvec - Current capabilities range from matrix and vector manipulation to the analysis of linear and generalized linear mixed models.
Maxima - A computer algebra system. Mathematics program.
MicroConcord - Text concordance program.
MicrOsiris - Statistical and data management package.
Ministep - Constructs Rasch measures from simple rectangular data sets.
MINUIT - Physics analysis tool for function minimization.
Mondrian - Data visualisation.
MorePower - Statistical power calculator for hypothesis tests.
Mx - Matrix algebra interpreter and numerical optimizer for structural equation modelling and other types of statistical modelling of data.
MYSTAT - Free SYSTAT version for students.
NLTK - Text mining program. Natural Language Toolkit.
NORM - Multiple imputation of multivariate continuous data under a normal model.
Octave - Similar to Matlab.
Onto-Tools - Bioinformatics programs. Onto-Express, Onto-Compare, Onto-Design, Onto-Translate, Onto-Miner, Pathway-Express, Promoter-Express, nsSNPCounter, OE2GO, KUTE-BASE.
OpenBUGS - Bayesian inference using Gibbs sampling.
Open Code - A tool for coding qualitative data generated from text information such as interviews, observations or field notes.
OpenEpi - Epidemiology package.
OpenOffice - Open source alternative to Microsoft Office. Includes Calc, an alternative to Excel.
Openstat - General stats package.
Orange - Data mining through visual programming or Python scripting. Extensions for bioinformatics and text mining.
PAMCOMP - Person-years And Mortality COMputation Program.
PAST - Statistics program for palaeontology.
PCP - Pattern Classification Program.
PINT - Power analysis IN Two-level designs (for determination of standard errors and optimal sample sizes in multilevel designs with 2 levels).
Ploticus - Graphs program.
PopTools - Population modelling program.
POSDEM - A program to choose between sampling plans based on the population frame.
PostgreSQL - Relational database management system (RDBMS).
PQRS - Stands for probabilities, quantiles and random samples.
Program Mark - Ecological statistics program. Advanced mark-recapture modelling.
PS - Power and sample size calculator.
PSPP - Alternative to SPSS.
QCA - Qualitative Comparative Analysis is a special-purpose program designed to analyze quantified data from multiple cases.
QPL - Questionnaire Programming Language.
Quail - Quantitative analysis in Lisp.
R - Widely used alternative to SPlus.
R Commander - GUI interface for R.
RapidMiner - Data mining.
Red R - Visual programming interface for R.
Regress+ - Mathematical modelling for the Macintosh.
RMAexpress - Bioinformatics software. A standalone GUI program to compute gene expression summary values for Affymetrix Genechip data.
Rosetta - A rough set toolkit for data analysis / data mining.
Rule Discovery System - Data mining program.
Rundom Pro - General stats package with emphasis on resampling procedures.
Rweb - An online form that processes R commands.
|STAT - General stats package.
Sage - Mathematics software.
SalStat - General stats package designed for the analysis of science and psychology data.
SAM - Bioinformatics software. Sequence Alignment and Modeling System.
Scilab - Numerical computation.
Shogun - A large scale machine learning toolbox.
Simfit - Simulation, curve fitting, statistics, and plotting.
Simplex Method Tool - An online form that solves linear programming problems.
SimulME - A Java ME (J2ME) application with queuing calculator, Monte Carlo simulation and more. Compatible with Sony-Ericsson, Samsung, Motorola and other cell phones.
SL Gallery - Statistical distribution graphs and calculations.
SOCR - Stands for statistics online computational resource. General stats package.
SOFA Statistics - Statistics, analysis and reporting program.
Software for Permutation Methods: A Distance Function Approach
Sonar - Survey administration and data collection system.
SpreadCE - Spreadsheet program.
SSP (Smith's Statistical Package) - General stats package.
StatCalc - A Calculator that computes table values of 34 statistical distributions. It also computes moments, and many other statistics.
StatEasy - General stats package.
Statext - Statistics expressed in text (even the graphs).
Statibot - An interactive www-based expert system for basic statistical analysis.
Statist - General stats package.
Statistical Lab - R based general stats package.
Statistics 101 - Simulations / resampling methods.
STATPerl - General stats package based on Perl.
Stattucino - Web spreadsheets with data analysis functions.
TAMS - Text mining program. Text Analysis Mark-up System. Identifies themes in texts.
Tanagra - Data mining.
TELPACK - Teletraffic Analysis Package.
Tetrad - Search algorithms and statistical modelling.
TextStat - Text concordance program. A program for the analysis of texts.
TimesLab - Time series analysis program.
TMeV - Bioinformatics software. Normalized and filtered expression files can be analyzed using TIGR Multiexperiment Viewer (MeV).
TSW - Time series and econometrics package.
TWOMOK - Non-parametric scale analysis for two-level data (ecometrics).
UIMA - Text mining program. Unstructured Information Management Architecture.
Ultrafind - Text concordance program. Extremely fast text search.
VARBRUL - Designed to facilitate analysis of linguistic variables and social variables.
VisiCube - Data visualisation tool.
ViSta - Visual statistics system with work maps, guide maps and interactive graphics.
VStar - Data visualisation and analysis tool for astronomy.
Weft QDA - A tool to assist in the analysis of textual data such as interview transcripts, written texts and field notes.
Weka - Machine learning software written at the University of Waikato.
WinBUGS - Bayesian analysis using Markov chain Monte Carlo methods.
WinIDAMS - General stats package.
Winpepi - Epidemiology package.
WordNet - A large lexical database of English.
X-12-ARIMA - Seasonal adjustment software produced, distributed, and maintained by the US Census Bureau.
XDAT - Visualization and analysis of multidimensional data.
XL Statistics - A set of Microsoft Excel (ver 97+) workbooks for statistical analysis of data.
XL Toolbox - Data analysis add-on for Excel.
Xnumbers - Multi precision floating point computing and numerical methods for Excel.
XploRe - Interactive statistical methods and data exploration.
Xpro - Exact parametric inference.
Xtremes - Graphics and analysis program for extreme values.
Yxilon - Statistical programming language.
Zaitun Time Series - Time series software. Has the capability to deal with stock market data.
Zelig - Based on R. Automates various processes.
A fonte original, com os links de cada software está aqui: http://l-lists.com/en/lists/dz3a5t.html
Segue a lista de softwares em ordem alfabética.
ADaMsoft - Data mining, data management and reporting. Has web based features.
Ade4 - It contains Data Analysis functions to analyse Ecological and Environmental data in the framework of Euclidean Exploratory methods, hence the name ade4.
ADePT - Developed to automate and standardize the production of analytical reports.
ADMB - Non-linear statistical modelling.
AM General stats package.
AnSWR - A software system for coordinating and conducting large-scale, team-based analysis projects that integrate qualitative and quantitative techniques.
Apophenia - General stats package but with more flexibility to be creative in model building.
Arc - Applied regression including computing and graphics.
Assistat - General stats package.
Bayesian Filtering Library - Bayesian software for use in advanced machine and robot control.
BiNGO - Bioinformatics software. Biological Network Gene Ontology.
BioEstat - Ecological statistics program (only available in Portuguese).
Biogeme - Stands for: Bierlaire's Optimization Toolbox for GEV (Generalized Extreme Value) Model Estimation.
Biomapper - A GIS-toolkit to model ecological niche and habitat suitability.
BKD - Bayesian Knowledge Discoverer
BlockTreat - A general frequentist Monte Carlo program for block and treatment tests, tests with matching, k-sample tests, and tests for independence.
BrightStat - General stats package.
BV4.1 - A procedure for the decomposition and seasonal adjustment of monthly and quarterly economic series. Used by the German Federal Statistical Office.
Calcugator - Calculator, plotting engine, and programming environment.
Caleydo - Bioinformatics data visualisation software.
CCOUNT - Designed for market research purposes, including: data cleaning, manipulation, cross tabulation and data analysis. Similar to SPSS.
CDC EZ-Text - Developed to assist researchers create, manage, and analyze semi-structured qualitative databases.
Chronux - Developed for the analysis of neural data.
Conc - Text concordance program.
Concorder - Text concordance program. Allows you to take given texts and find out the frequency of words.
Correlate -
CSPro - Census and Survey Processing System (CSPro) is a questionnaire-oriented statistical package for Windows.
Cytoscape - Bioinformatics software platform for visualizing molecular interaction networks and integrating these interactions with gene expression profiles and other state data.
DAP - Alternative to SAS.
Dataplot - General stats package. Designed for science and engineering.
DAVID - Bioinformatics software. Database for Annotation, Visualization and Integrated Discovery.
dChip - Bioinformatics software. dChip Software: Analysis and visualization of gene expression and SNP microarrays
Demetra - Time series package.
Dia - Diagram drawing program. Allows the drawing of entity relationship diagrams, UML diagrams, flowcharts, network diagrams, and many others.
Draco - Econometrics package with spreadsheets.
EASE - Bioinformatics software. Expression Analysis Systematic Explorer.
EasyReg Int. - Econometrics package.
EasySample - Simple sampling program.
EDGAR - Experimental design programs.
ELKI - Environment for developing KDD-applications supported by index-structures. Compares data mining algorithms.
EMMIX - Fortran software to fit mixture models.
Epi Info - Designed for epidemiologists and other public health and medical professionals.
Epidata - Epidemiology package.
EqPlot - Equation graph plotter.
ErmineJ - Bioinformatics software. Performs analyses of gene sets in expression microarray data or other genome-wide data that results in rankings of genes.
ESA - Event Structure Analysis (ESA) is an on-line Java program that helps you analyze sequential events.
ESS - Emacs Speaks Statistics. Add-on package for emacs text editors.
Esta+ - General (and simple) stats package.
Euler - Similar to Matlab.
EVE - Embedded Vector Editor. Vector graphics program.
Excellent Analytics - Excel plug-in that lets you import web analytics data from Google Analytics into a spreadsheet.
EzANOVA - Simple ANOVA program.
Factor - Simple factor analysis program.
Firebird - Relational database management system (RDBMS).
Fityk - Nonlinear least squares curve fitting.
Freemat - Similar to Matlab and IDL.
G Power - Power and sample size calculator.
G7 - Econometrics package. Allows the building and useage of data banks.
GATE - Text mining program. General Architecture for Text Engineering.
Gemma - Bioinformatics software. Database and software system for the meta-analysis of gene expression data.
GEMS - Bioinformatics software (online forms). Gene Expression Module Sampler.
GenePattern -Bioinformatics software. Genomic analysis platform that provides access to more than 125 tools for gene expression analysis, proteomics, SNP analysis and more.
GenMAPP - Bioinformatics software. Designed to visualize gene expression and other genomic data on maps representing biological pathways and groupings of genes.
GeoDa - Geospatial analysis and computation.
GGobi - Data visualisation.
Gist - Bioinformatics software. Contains software tools for support vector machine classification and for kernel principal components analysis.
Gnumeric - Spreadsheet program.
Gnuplot - Command driven graphing program.
GoMiner - Bioinformatics software. A tool for biological interpretation of 'omic' data, including data from gene expression microarrays.
Gostat - Bioinformatics software (online forms). Find statistically overrepresented Gene-Ontology (GO) terms within a group of genes.
Gretl - Stands for Gnu regression, econometrics and time-series library. Alternative to EViews. REVIEWED!!!
Grocer - An econometric toolbox for Scilab.
GUIDE - Multi-purpose machine learning algorithm for constructing classification and regression trees.
HLM - Hierarchical linear and nonlinear modelling.
IHMC CmapTools - Concept mapping program.
Instats - General stats package.
Interactive Statistical Unit -
Inverse Symbolic Calculator - An online form where the output is a list of possible sources for the number you enter (such as simple equations or well known constants).
IRRIStat - General stats package. Designed for analysis of agricultural field trials data.
IVEware - Imputation and Variance Estimation.
JAGS - Stands for just another Gibbs sampler. Bayesian hierarchical models using Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC).
jHepWork - Mathematics and statistics package.
JMulTi - Time series and econometrics package.
Kyplot - Graphs program.
Lisp-stat - General stats package with emphasis on graphics.
LISREL - Originally limited to structural equation modelling (SEM) but now has other functions.
MacAnova - General stats package.
MacSHAPA - Macintosh-based software environment that supports observational data analysis, including the analysis of video.
Matrixer - Econometrics package.
Matrix2png - Bioinformatics software. A simple program for making visualizations of microarray data and many other data types.
Matvec - Current capabilities range from matrix and vector manipulation to the analysis of linear and generalized linear mixed models.
Maxima - A computer algebra system. Mathematics program.
MicroConcord - Text concordance program.
MicrOsiris - Statistical and data management package.
Ministep - Constructs Rasch measures from simple rectangular data sets.
MINUIT - Physics analysis tool for function minimization.
Mondrian - Data visualisation.
MorePower - Statistical power calculator for hypothesis tests.
Mx - Matrix algebra interpreter and numerical optimizer for structural equation modelling and other types of statistical modelling of data.
MYSTAT - Free SYSTAT version for students.
NLTK - Text mining program. Natural Language Toolkit.
NORM - Multiple imputation of multivariate continuous data under a normal model.
Octave - Similar to Matlab.
Onto-Tools - Bioinformatics programs. Onto-Express, Onto-Compare, Onto-Design, Onto-Translate, Onto-Miner, Pathway-Express, Promoter-Express, nsSNPCounter, OE2GO, KUTE-BASE.
OpenBUGS - Bayesian inference using Gibbs sampling.
Open Code - A tool for coding qualitative data generated from text information such as interviews, observations or field notes.
OpenEpi - Epidemiology package.
OpenOffice - Open source alternative to Microsoft Office. Includes Calc, an alternative to Excel.
Openstat - General stats package.
Orange - Data mining through visual programming or Python scripting. Extensions for bioinformatics and text mining.
PAMCOMP - Person-years And Mortality COMputation Program.
PAST - Statistics program for palaeontology.
PCP - Pattern Classification Program.
PINT - Power analysis IN Two-level designs (for determination of standard errors and optimal sample sizes in multilevel designs with 2 levels).
Ploticus - Graphs program.
PopTools - Population modelling program.
POSDEM - A program to choose between sampling plans based on the population frame.
PostgreSQL - Relational database management system (RDBMS).
PQRS - Stands for probabilities, quantiles and random samples.
Program Mark - Ecological statistics program. Advanced mark-recapture modelling.
PS - Power and sample size calculator.
PSPP - Alternative to SPSS.
QCA - Qualitative Comparative Analysis is a special-purpose program designed to analyze quantified data from multiple cases.
QPL - Questionnaire Programming Language.
Quail - Quantitative analysis in Lisp.
R - Widely used alternative to SPlus.
R Commander - GUI interface for R.
RapidMiner - Data mining.
Red R - Visual programming interface for R.
Regress+ - Mathematical modelling for the Macintosh.
RMAexpress - Bioinformatics software. A standalone GUI program to compute gene expression summary values for Affymetrix Genechip data.
Rosetta - A rough set toolkit for data analysis / data mining.
Rule Discovery System - Data mining program.
Rundom Pro - General stats package with emphasis on resampling procedures.
Rweb - An online form that processes R commands.
|STAT - General stats package.
Sage - Mathematics software.
SalStat - General stats package designed for the analysis of science and psychology data.
SAM - Bioinformatics software. Sequence Alignment and Modeling System.
Scilab - Numerical computation.
Shogun - A large scale machine learning toolbox.
Simfit - Simulation, curve fitting, statistics, and plotting.
Simplex Method Tool - An online form that solves linear programming problems.
SimulME - A Java ME (J2ME) application with queuing calculator, Monte Carlo simulation and more. Compatible with Sony-Ericsson, Samsung, Motorola and other cell phones.
SL Gallery - Statistical distribution graphs and calculations.
SOCR - Stands for statistics online computational resource. General stats package.
SOFA Statistics - Statistics, analysis and reporting program.
Software for Permutation Methods: A Distance Function Approach
Sonar - Survey administration and data collection system.
SpreadCE - Spreadsheet program.
SSP (Smith's Statistical Package) - General stats package.
StatCalc - A Calculator that computes table values of 34 statistical distributions. It also computes moments, and many other statistics.
StatEasy - General stats package.
Statext - Statistics expressed in text (even the graphs).
Statibot - An interactive www-based expert system for basic statistical analysis.
Statist - General stats package.
Statistical Lab - R based general stats package.
Statistics 101 - Simulations / resampling methods.
STATPerl - General stats package based on Perl.
Stattucino - Web spreadsheets with data analysis functions.
TAMS - Text mining program. Text Analysis Mark-up System. Identifies themes in texts.
Tanagra - Data mining.
TELPACK - Teletraffic Analysis Package.
Tetrad - Search algorithms and statistical modelling.
TextStat - Text concordance program. A program for the analysis of texts.
TimesLab - Time series analysis program.
TMeV - Bioinformatics software. Normalized and filtered expression files can be analyzed using TIGR Multiexperiment Viewer (MeV).
TSW - Time series and econometrics package.
TWOMOK - Non-parametric scale analysis for two-level data (ecometrics).
UIMA - Text mining program. Unstructured Information Management Architecture.
Ultrafind - Text concordance program. Extremely fast text search.
VARBRUL - Designed to facilitate analysis of linguistic variables and social variables.
VisiCube - Data visualisation tool.
ViSta - Visual statistics system with work maps, guide maps and interactive graphics.
VStar - Data visualisation and analysis tool for astronomy.
Weft QDA - A tool to assist in the analysis of textual data such as interview transcripts, written texts and field notes.
Weka - Machine learning software written at the University of Waikato.
WinBUGS - Bayesian analysis using Markov chain Monte Carlo methods.
WinIDAMS - General stats package.
Winpepi - Epidemiology package.
WordNet - A large lexical database of English.
X-12-ARIMA - Seasonal adjustment software produced, distributed, and maintained by the US Census Bureau.
XDAT - Visualization and analysis of multidimensional data.
XL Statistics - A set of Microsoft Excel (ver 97+) workbooks for statistical analysis of data.
XL Toolbox - Data analysis add-on for Excel.
Xnumbers - Multi precision floating point computing and numerical methods for Excel.
XploRe - Interactive statistical methods and data exploration.
Xpro - Exact parametric inference.
Xtremes - Graphics and analysis program for extreme values.
Yxilon - Statistical programming language.
Zaitun Time Series - Time series software. Has the capability to deal with stock market data.
Zelig - Based on R. Automates various processes.
A fonte original, com os links de cada software está aqui: http://l-lists.com/en/lists/dz3a5t.html
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